About Xenon Ballast


A HID Ballast is a device required by a xenon headlight (bus also for fluorescent lamps) to regulate voltage and current supplied to the lamp during start. Also does it provides enough voltage and current throughout operation

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Mitsubishi Electric W003T21871 Porsche 99161832303 Xenon Ballast Control Unit

  • It is factory fitted on Porsche brand cars with D3S HID headlamps.
  • If your Xenon Lights are blinking or shutting down without any reason it means that control unit has failed.
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Mitsubishi Electric W003T21971 MOBIS BAM92-143700 Xenon Ballast Control Unit

  • Xenon ballast is responsible for controlling HID headlight lights.
  • It fits left or right side on the car, could be fitted to any vehicle, where the same part number was found.